Here at Big Cat we’re passionate about producing work that works. At November’s Birmingham Digital Marketers Meetup our Marketing Director Hannah talked about the importance of knowing who you’re talking to, to ensure the success of any communications campaign…
It’s the strategy behind great ideas that gets me up in the morning. And I’m fortunate to do what I love every day heading up the marketing team here at Big Cat.
So what I wanted to take the Birmingham Digital Marketers through last month was a snippet of our strategic approach to creating effective digital campaigns.
Did you know that in 2005, the average adult in the UK spent 9 hours, 54 online per week? Fast forward to 2014 and this increased to 20 hours and 30 minutes online. Furthermore, it’s a little crazy that 53% of people check their phone within 5 minutes of waking up and 28% of people do so 5 minutes before bed.
Now I don’t know about you, but when I wake up, the type of information I could really do with being served up to my phone would perhaps be information on my instant needs – information on what would help me prepare my body for the day – something to satisfy my dehydration after a long night’s sleep perhaps? A balanced breakfast to set me up for day? Or how about information to help make my day easier – weather updates so I know how to dress appropriately, travel updates so I know to avoid driving and hop on the train if the M40 is shut…
But when I wake up, that’s not the information I get served. My notifications actually just show me all the things I’ve missed out on whilst asleep… “You have been tagged in Awkward Office Xmas Party Moments”. “42 people have reacted to a photo you’ve been tagged in”. “You have a message from Anthony Tattum”… You get my gist. And whilst this information is neither life enhancing nor business critical, you’ll bet that the first thing I do is check the Facebook album, and un-tag as soon as humanly possible!
The point I’m trying to make here, is that technology is trying to keep us busy because its primary metric is the time we spend with it.
So as consumers get more and more inundated with messages and content online, brands and companies will only achieve cut through by delivering something useful. And by useful I mean something that satisfies a genuine need – something meaningful. Because we all know decisions are easier when there’s less choice – so to help your customers choose you, you need to differentiate from your competition.
Businesses need to ask themselves how they become meaningful – with the answer starting with who you’re talking to. And to define that, there are 3 steps to take to generate truly meaningful digital communications based on real audience insight.
STEP 1 | Discover a genuine insight about your audience.
Now what I don’t mean by insight is your customer ‘demographic’ – because let’s be honest, that can get us into a fair bit of trouble. For example, taking one of our retail brands, their audience profile could be articulated like this: