That’s right, the pride are polishing their yellow armour, sharpening their claws and stretching their hamstrings in preparation for the gruelling, muddy and wet 10k obstacle course, also known as the Wolf Run.
UK charity, Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, take action against the effects of childhood liver disease and provide information, emotional support, research funds and a voice for all affected. Not only are CLDF a lovely client of ours, but a fantastic charity that we’re keen to help in any way we can.
We’ve gathered a team who have opted to take part in the challenge that is 10 kilometers worth of high obstacles, streams, lakes, waist high mud swamps and a lot of hills. With some of us having never ventured on a jog, nor stepped foot in the weights section of a gym, it’s a challenge we won’t soon forget and one we equally can’t wait to get our paws stuck into!
The pride will be getting coated in mud, flapping around in an open water lake and scrambling up disproportionately large wooden structures on Saturday 2nd June. We’ll also be doing it dressed all in yellow – flattering.
What Else?
Every year, CLDF host a Big Yellow Friday which is their annual fundraising day. As well as our Wolf Run, we will be hosting an all yellow lunch buffet in the office and a yellow bake sale on 2nd March and we’ll be dressed from head to toe in, you guessed it, yellow! We would love for you to help us on our quest to raise as much money as we can for this wonderful charity and you can enjoy us looking ridiculous whilst we do it!
If you can, please donate here:
Wish the Big Cats luck!