Cardinal Clinic, one of UKs leading, private mental health hospitals, came to Big Cat with a clear ask – help us develop our business, starting from the ground up.
Task in hand, we immediately got to work on a new brand strategy. One rooted in their core essence of who they are today and what makes them unique and special in the marketplace, while also setting them up for success in the future as they continue to develop their services, grounds and vision.
Primary Research
Our diagnosis phase started with interviewing Cardinal Clinic staff members from Stakeholders to nurses and learning all about their care philosophy. Things like – did you know that they never use agency staff? A promise no other private mental health hospital in all of the UK can offer.
From a strategy perspective we knew there something much deeper to this promise than a functional operational choice. For patients, it provided a solid structure for them resulting in consistent development and care. When they walk in, today, tomorrow or 2 years form now, the same staff will care for them. In essence, they never have to start over.
A feeling reminiscent of a family support system. This was insight #1.
Following stakeholder interview’s, we talked to patients to verify our theory and get even deeper under the hood. The result? There were even more layers to the family feeling experience at Cardinal Clinic.
From the warm and cosy sitting rooms and snooker table, to nurses who simply chat with you about interests and the latest programs on the television, the sterile hospital notions they had before the walked in the door melted away.
Day-by-day Cardinal Clinic felt like a home, surrounded by family. This was insight #2
And, just like home and family – it’s not always easy. In fact, sometimes it’s really complicated. But at the end of the day, comfortable, safe and consistent. Like a home should be.
Lastly, just like family, even when you give up, they don’t. Cardinal Clinic checked-in on patients even after the left their care.
Demonstrating a commitment to care beyond your stay. This was insight #3
Secondary Research
When looking at the competition, combined with our primary research, it was clear that Cardinal had a key space to own: