22nd August 2024

Top 10 Creative Tips from the Studio Team

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It’s no secret that every creative has their own way of doing things—we all have our preferred methods for brainstorming, researching, and creating. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or new to the creative scene, finding your rhythm is a key part of developing your creative style. However, staying open to new methods and learning from others can introduce fresh techniques and perspectives that enhance your creative process.

So, in the spirit of collaboration, our LeopardCo Studio Team is here to share their Top 10 Tips for Creativity. Whether you’re tackling a new project, pitching to clients, or simply looking to keep your creative spark alive, these tips are here to help you break free from a creative rut—or better yet, to avoid getting stuck in one altogether:

1. Don’t be afraid to think big- It’s easy to shy away from the big and ambitious ideas, especially when you know you don’t have the budget for it. This is often a great place to start! Sometimes the wildest, whacky ideas just need a touch of practicality to transform into the perfect final concept. If you allow yourself to indulge in ‘big thinking’, you’re more likely to do something unexpected and exciting!

2. AI is your teammate, not your boss – We all know AI is booming and developing more by the day. Although we don’t think it should be relied on 100%, we definitely suggest using it to your advantage. For example, it’s great for pitch mock-ups, quick photo fixes and colour swatches, you can even use it to brainstorm ideas! Check out our blog on AI in Agencies.

3. Be open-minded and aware of your surroundings – Creativity can be sparked from anywhere, whether that’s as literal as a billboard advert or a funky shadow reflecting on a wall. This is your reminder to look up and out at what’s going on in the world around you.

4. Keep the conversation going –Check in with friends and colleagues about the creative sparks they've discovered lately. Sharing ideas and insights with others is a fantastic way to learn, grow, and stay inspired.

5. Have social saves –Keep a ‘saves folder’ for things you’ve found on social media that are cool/interesting/exciting (or even not to your taste). Consider it a social media bookmark or post-it note. If it’s irrelevant to your work now, it could be helpful in the future!

6. Nurture creativity outside of work – Having multiple creative outlets purely for the love is essential for keeping your mind sharp and inspired. Being able to be creative just for the love of it will keep that passion alive. Try picking up a new hobby like photography, crochet, music, or movement—learning new skills and having fun are key to keeping your creative muscle strong. If you want to get into phone photography check out our blog on how to take great photos.

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7. No idea is a bad idea – This may be cliché but it continues to ring true. Mindset is everything, if you look with an open mind, you can make something good out of anything and there is always an opportunity to grow. Equally don’t hate on other people’s ideas if you don’t agree with them. First think how we could improve on it.

8. Don’t force it – There will be days where the creative juices aren’t flowing, sometimes you’re just not feeling it and that is totally fine. Everyone experiences this as some point - and the more you fight it, the more frustrating it can become!

9. Take a break – With the above in mind, remember that a bit of fresh perspective is a great way to elevate your work. We all love the feeling of a creative flow, but it can be far too easy to get stuck down one path, so take a step back and return with a clear mind. Some of the best creative ideas appear when you least expect them, try and record them, write them down, make a note in a phone before you forget them.

10. Get the creative involved from the start – If you know you are going to need a photographer, get them involved as early as possible. They know their discipline and will definitely have great ideas that can only benefit your project. The same applies to whatever you need; illustration, copy writing, video, or whatever. Get them (or us at Big Cat) involved.

Studio Team

With all this in mind, in a world full of opinions and differing tastes it’s easy to feel the pressure of perfection, but don’t forget that the beauty of the creative industry lies in its subjectivity—what resonates with one person might not with another, and that's perfectly okay. The key is finding the balance between your artistic flare and the brief at hand, all while staying open to new ideas and techniques. We often see that the most impactful work comes from those who remain open to the world around them. If you ever find yourself stuck, just remember the tips above!

And if you’d like to discuss a new project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you! After all, teamwork is always a great option.

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