On 25th May, Twitter worked with charities across the UK to help find and bring home the UK’s thousands of missing children on International Missing Children’s Day.
Thousands of Twitter users were joined online on 25th May by famous names from the worlds of movies, music, TV and sport for ‘The Big Tweet’ for Missing Children – a 24-hour ‘tweetathon’ that aimed to find missing children. Led by UK charity Missing People, ‘The Big Tweet’ endeavoured to locate missing children by encouraging members of the public and high-profile Tweeters to share appeals for missing children throughout the day.
The team behind the campaign tweeted from Twitter’s offices in Soho, London and were joined by guests throughout the day. They include Britain’s Got Talent finalists the Missing People Choir. Between 12am and 12pm, on International Missing Children’s Day, Missing People tweeted an appeal for a missing child every 30 minutes.
This was a fantastic use of social media and the power that charities have access to through the help of modern tech companies. We hope this tweetathon gained the results it wanted to as well as raising awareness for a good cause.
The Missing People helpline is open 24/7 for anyone who sees their own appeal, or has information about a missing child.